Serving our God, our Church, our School, our Community

Raise the Roof - New Roof Fund


Donate to the Raise the Roof Initiative 


It's that time all homeowner's dread...Time for some major repairs! 

0471ogzr9fuuzj1gr8q9uw83tdl.pngThere are a few large-scale projects that can no longer be put off:

  • Our Church roof needs to replace its 30 year old shingles.
  • The flat roofs of the gym, rectory, and the church (where the air conditioner resides) need to be replaced.
  • The east side of the school (the oldest part) needs tuck pointing and repair.
  • The school and Church parking lots need to be redone.
  • The Church carpet needs to be replaced.

St. Joseph Parish is looking at the most cost effective, and physically pleasing options for the future.   And although the parish improvement fund has monies to complete some of these projects, more monies will be needed to complete them all.  

That is why, we are developing and launching an initiative called Raise the Roof.  We chose this name for two reasons: 

  1. Much of the money we need to raise is for roof repairs on various buildings and

  2. During this initiative we want to combine our efforts with fun & fellowship to not only raise money but to raise hearts to God, raise our hands to help, raise hopes for the future, and maybe raise a few eyebrows as we show this community and the diocese that Saint Joseph Parish - both the Church and School - is alive and well… preparing for another 186 years of bringing Catholicism to our community. 

Fiscal Year 2018 will be dedicated to raising funds to complete these needed repairs and upgrades as well as build our parish endowment fund in the hopes that capital campaigns will not be needed in the future. As a parish we raised more than $500,000 for the Rooted in Faith campaign and most have completed their pledges.  A sincere THANK YOU to all those who participated.  Now, we ask that you begin to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to Raise the Roof.  Perhaps you can continue the same pledge amount you provided for Rooted in Faith.  Maybe you have talents that can help accomplish these tasks.  Think about.

 We at St. Joseph Parish have been sharing our gifts of faith and ministry for 186 years with the Cuyahoga Falls community and beyond.  It is that time when we need to invest in improving our property and facilities so that we can continue to share our faith for 186 more.

Donate to the Raise the Roof Initiative