Serving our God, our Church, our School, our Community

Confirmation Sponsor

The person you choose to be your sponsor is very important. It is not an honorary role but one with significance and responsibility. It helps to remember that your sponsor is a person who is representing our faith and our Church and as such is sponsoring you into the fullness of the faith and promising to guide you by word,l5ba4gn1kgvn7xt563ook5y9q1l.png prayer, and example. Because of this, there are some Church laws that we are all required to follow.

Canon 874 of the Code of Canon law gives the qualifications necessary for a person to serve as a godparent or sponsor.

  • Designated by the confirmandi for the role of sponsor
  • Completed the sixteenth year of age
  • A fully initiated member of the Catholic Church (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist)
  • Is registered and is able to obtain a sponsor form from his or her parish
  • A practicing Catholic
  • Not a parent of the one who is to be confirmed If the person you choose does not meet these requirements they cannot be a sponsor for confirmation.

It is extremely important that you make your choice early so that you can make sure that the person to be your sponsor is able to do so and has plenty of time to get their sponsor certificate. One option for a Confirmation Sponsor is one of the candidate’s Godparents. This demonstrates the close connection between Baptism and Confirmation. Another option is a confirmed Catholic whom the candidate admires and who bears witness to the gospel in his or her everyday life.

The sponsor is asked to be present at the Presentation of the Candidates (see #12), at the rehearsal, and the celebration of the Sacrament. In addition to these events, there will be a few short questions or reflections for the sponsor to discuss with their candidate during the summer months.

Confirmation Sponsor Form 

This is NOT a sponsor certificate form. This is only the submission of the name of the sponsor. If your sponsor is registered at a different parish, please have them contact their home parish for a sponsor certificate.


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