Serving our God, our Church, our School, our Community


Resource: Ministry Leader Workbook

Worship Ministries

Worship ministries support the celebration of the Mass — the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.



 Parish School of Religion (PSR) allows children who do not attend a Catholic school to be instructed in Christian doctrine and Discipleship.


At Saint Joseph Parish, The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a group of Catholics and Non-Catholics who wish to learn about the Catholic faith.   They are initiated into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.  The group meets on Wednesdays from September until Easter.  


Youth Ministry

Saint Joseph Youth Ministry (SJYM) is filled with faith-inspired teenagers. They come together for charity work, talk about the faith, and have lots of fun. SJYM is a great chance for teenagers (7th thru high school) to meet with friends, and classmates, and to make new friends with other teenagers who are also alive by the faith.



 As good stewards we share our gifts of time, talent, and treasure to give thanks to God.  We also grow in our faith and watch our parish prosper.  As a committee, meet once a month and organize parish functions.


Pro-Life Group

St. Joseph’s Pro-Life group defends and supports life from conception to natural death through prayer, witnessing, education, and supporting women with crisis pregnancies.  


Saint Vincent DePaul Society

Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are men and women of every age and color who strive to grow spiritually by offering immediate, temporary, person-to-person service to individuals in need.  All of us are blessed with the awareness that our time, talent, and treasure are to be shared with our less fortunate brothers and sisters in need.


Prayer Line

When special prayer intentions are requested, their intentions are passed on to the prayer line.  We are looking for individuals who are patient and kind to assist with this ministry.