Serving our God, our Church, our School, our Community


Worship Ministries

Worship ministries support the celebration of the Mass — the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.



Arise is a fellowship group for women of all vocations in their 20's and 30's. This group offers opportunities for spiritual growth by focusing on prayer, Church teaching, and relationships to God and others. 


Friends of the Carpenter

Friends of the Carpenter is a men's fellowship group who come together on a weekly basis to share their attempts to grow in the presence of God so as to live out their lives as Christian men within a secular world. 


Martha & Mary Guild


Men's Group


Prayer Shawl and Creative Comfort 


Pro-Life Group

St. Joseph’s Pro-Life group defends and supports life from conception to natural death through prayer, witnessing, education, and supporting women with crisis pregnancies.  


Rosary Ministry


Saint Vincent DePaul Society

Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul strive to grow spiritually by offering immediate, temporary, person-to-person service to individuals in need.  


Walking with Moms in Need